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Download Mozilla "certutil" Tool for Windows
How to download Mozilla "certutil" tool for Windows? I know it can be used to manage and key3.db files.
If you want download Mozilla Certificate Database Tool "certutil" for Windows systems,
you can follow this tutorial:
1. Go to the NSS FTP site for NSS 3.10 binary for Windows. The NSS (Network Security Services) package contains the "certutil" tool.
2. Download and save to the desktop.
3. Go to the NSPR FTP site for NSPR 4.6 binary for Windows. The NSPR (Netscape Portable Runtime) package is required to run NSS package.
4. Download and save to the desktop.
⇒ Install Mozilla "certutil" Tool for Windows
⇐ Tool for cert8.db and key3.db Files - Mozilla "certutil"
2019-12-21, 58🔥, 3💬
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