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What Is "certmgr.exe" on Windows
What is "certmgr.exe" on Windows? What can I use it for?
"certmgr.exe" is a Certificate Manager command line tool that allows you to manage certificates, certificate trust lists (CTLs), and certificate revocation lists (CRLs).
The Certificate Manager tool (certmgr.exe) is a command-line utility tool, whereas Certificate Manager console (certmgr.msc) is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in GUI utility tool. Both of them can be used to manage certificates on Windows systems.
Certmgr.exe performs the following basic functions:
Certmgr.exe works with two types of certificate stores: StoreFile and system store. It is not necessary to specify the type of certificate store; Certmgr.exe can identify the store type and perform the appropriate operations.
The Certmgr.exe tool is automatically installed with Visual Studio and with the Windows SDK.
⇒ Start "certmgr.exe" on Windows
⇐ Certificate Manager Command "certmgr.exe" on Windows
2012-08-03, 18428🔥, 0💬
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