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certmgr.exe - List "My" Personal Certificates
How to get a list of all certificates in "Personal" certificate store using "certmgr.exe"?
The internal name for the "Personal" system certificate store is called "My". You can see a list of all certificates in "My" certificate store using "certmgr.exe -s My" as shown in this tutorial.
C:\fyicenter> "\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\sdk\v2.0\bin\certmgr.exe" -s My ==============Certificate # 1 ========== Subject:: [0,0] (CN) l Issuer:: [0,0] (CN) l SerialNumber:: 7F 78 6A B8 SHA1 Thumbprint:: 0D0401E3 5BD951FE 4B2BB573 295D4E0C 69B3198F MD5 Thumbprint:: 30BA1DC7 8EB9C327 188D7D3B B2D98AD6 Key MD5 Thumbprint:: FFEB483F 3A6A98E2 5E8752E1 531206A7 Provider Type:: 13 Provider Name:: Microsoft Base DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider Container: {AEA36CB8-D8BC-4153-B8AF-555F8EF30F9A} KeySpec: 2 NotBefore:: Wed Jul 25 21:36:45 2012 NotAfter:: Tue Oct 23 21:36:45 2012 ==============No CTLs ========== ==============No CRLs ========== ==============================================
What you are getting from this tutorial:
⇒ certmgr.exe - List "AuthRoot" Root CA Certificates
⇐ certmgr.exe - List of Command Options
2012-12-09, 25🔥, 0💬
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