certmgr.msc - View Certificate General Info


How to view general information of a certificate in a certificate store using "certmgr.msc"?

✍: FYIcenter.com


You can view general information of a certificate in a certificate store using the "certmgr.msc" tool as shown in this tutorial.

1. Start "certmgr.msc" Management Console on your Windows system. You see list of certificate stores showing up.

2. Click to open "Trusted Root Certificate Authorities" and click on "Certificates".

3. Locate and double-click on "NO LIABILITY ACCEPTED, (c)97 VeriSign, Inc.". You see certificate viewer showing up with "General" tab open.

Interesting to see that this certificate was expired in 2004. But Microsoft still included it in the Windows 10, 8, 7 systems.

certmgr.msc - View Certificate - General Tab
certmgr.msc - View Certificate - General Tab


certmgr.msc - Export Certificate from Certificate Store

certmgr.msc - Export Certificate List on Windows

Certificate Manager Console "certmgr.msc" on Windows

⇑⇑ Windows Certificates Tutorials

2012-08-02, 7773🔥, 0💬