Other Resources:
What Is "certmgr.msc" on Windows Computer
What is "certmgr.msc" on Windows computer? What can I use it for?
"certmgr.msc" is a predefined MMC (Microsoft Management Console) snap-in tool. "certmgr.msc" can be used as a GUI (Graphical User Interface) to manage certificates on a Windows system.
Functions supported in "certmgr.msc" are:
"certmgr.msc" is stored in a file located at: "C:\Windows\System32\certmgr.msc" on Windows 10, 8, 7 systems.
⇒ Start "certmgr.msc" on Windows
⇐ Certificate Manager Console "certmgr.msc" on Windows
2012-08-02, 19086🔥, 0💬
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