FairSSL Online Server SSL Tester Example


Is there any example of server certificate failed to pass the validation of FairSSL Online Server SSL Tester?

✍: FYIcenter.com


Here is an example of server certificate failed to pass the validation of FairSSL Online Server SSL Tester.

1. Go to https://www.fairssl.se/en/ssltest.

2. Enter this URL: www.wikipedia.com.

3. Click "Check SSL" button. You will see the output with these sections:

SSL Status:


Debian Bug: Can not be tested? (Can usually be ignored)
Heartbleed Bug: OK (Confirmed Safe)
www.wikipedia.com gives valid IP
Server name is NOT in the certificate! *.wikipedia.org
The certificate expires in 145 days
Testing without sending Server Name Indication (recommended).
Certificate is organization validated.
Received 2 certificates from the server.
Issuer Certificate: GlobalSign Organization Validation CA - SHA256 - G2
Issuer Company: GlobalSign nv-sa
Certificate Key: 256 bit - Low security.
Signature Algorithm: SHA256+RSA

SSL Certificates Received #1:

Common Name: *.wikipedia.org
SANs: *.wikipedia.org, mediawiki.org, wikibooks.org, wikidata.org, ...
Company: Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
Location: San Francisco,California,US
SSL+CRL Check: Ok http://crl.globalsign.com/gs/gsorganizationvalsha2g2.crl
Validity: From 11/12-2015 to 10/12-2016

SSL Certificates Received #2:

Common Name: GlobalSign Organization Validation CA - SHA256 - G2
Company: GlobalSign nv-sa
SSL+CRL Check: Ok http://crl.globalsign.net/root.crl
Validity: From 20/02-2014 to 20/02-2024

The picture below shows you FairSSL Online Server SSL Tester output on www.wikipedia.com:

FairSSL Online Server SSL Tester
FairSSL Online Server SSL Tester


sslshopper SSL Checker

FairSSL Online Server SSL Tester

Server Certificate Online Tools

⇑⇑ Certificates Tools

2016-10-04, 2112🔥, 0💬