Other Resources: CSR Checker
What is CSR Checker?
✍: CSR Checker is an online tool that checks to see if a specified CSR (Certificate Signing Request) is missing any expected values like CN, DN, O, OU, etc.
You can follow these steps to try CSR Checker:
1. Go to
2. Copy the CSR you generated from the previous tutorial:
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIIByjCCATMCAQAwgYkxCzAJBgNVBAYTAnVzMQswCQYDVQQIDAJOWTEUMBIGA1UE CgwLRG9uYWxkIEluYy4xFzAVBgNVBAMMDnd3dy5kb25hbGQuaW5jMREwDwYDVQQH DAhOZXcgWW9yazELMAkGA1UECwwCSVQxHjAcBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWD2pvaG5AZG9u YWxkLmluYzCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEAqyEnsZ/ve7AnSQ4V 4KAl5JYpEkFtIJnBZYkyi8xwI22ZlQhF7unDbqaE5r+nh1LWDMpN/Vtw0tKbt5If uaHB6sOPvoAb6XRs7MP7IfRJj95/C+6JG9VXuHwIvFtv3dV6tpVyGOQ4GXX3oiu2 SWc/44HHjFluf3W+7+kasovzNbsCAwEAAaAAMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBDQUAA4GBAIkx 2RG85GEFoSCWETzw0Z3akAwodb6ubZO16sDve4s7eOwr1xoFtt9S8YxWnNALh1sc bkU4jUbT1hKdYDEW3ydQM972r/hgrAiQv4lw2rwLqEugCEk4sAPEkzDLaTxtkyRR Y1hrzGv1WE5Q5xvIi2Dhv2WOSo/maFvWY5maWtzM -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
3. Click the "Check" button. You will get the following result:
CSR failed - You have 2 errors Key size is too small. Your key size is 1024. 2048-bit keys are required for all EV certificates and for non-EV certificates that expire after December 31, 2013. Invalid State/province. The state or province in your CSR cannot be abbreviated. Enter a valid state name and try again. Certificate information Common name: Organization: Donald Inc. Organizational unit: IT City/locality: New York State/province: NY - Invalid Country: us Signature algorithm: SHA512 Key algorithm: RSA Key size: 1024 - Too small
The picture below shows you the web page of Symantec CSR Checker:
⇒ SSL Converter
⇐ samltool Certificate Fingerprint Calculator
2020-07-11, 10🔥, 3💬
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