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Mozilla "certutil -A -i" - Add Certificate to cert8.db File
How to add a certificate into "cert8.db" file using Mozilla "certutil" tool? I have a certificate file in PEM format
If you want to add a certificate into a "cert8.db" file from a certificate file, you can use the Mozilla "certutil -A -i" command as shown in this tutorial:
C:\fyicerter>\fyicerter\nss\bin\certutil -A -d .\ -i GeoTrust.pem -n "GeoTrust SSL CA" -t ",," C:\fyicerter>\fyicerter\nss\bin\certutil -L -d .\ GeoTrust SSL CA ,,
What you are getting from this tutorial:
⇒ Mozilla "certutil -A -i" - Add Root CA Certificate to cert8.db
⇐ Mozilla "certutil -A" Command Options
2012-08-01, 13563🔥, 0💬
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