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Downloading and Installing Portecle
How to download Portecle and install it for Windows or Linux? If you want to use Portecle to generate and manage certificates you can download and install Portecle on Windows or Linux systems following this tutorial. And it's free! 1. Go to Portecle download site. 2. Click "Files" in the menu. You s...
2023-01-05, ≈66🔥, 5💬

💬 2023-01-05 facebook: 6CD4E5193BC30C1AB6869EDBBBFE17A873E1 B3BC

💬 2017-07-29 FYIcenter.com: @Walter, Tutorial updated now. Thanks for your comment!

💬 2017-07-28 Walter Hallows: Check accuracy. Step 5 is listed twice and "Portecle" is spelled "Fortecle" twice, in what should be step 6.

(More comments ...)

PKCS #12 Export Error in Portecle
Why I am getting an error: "CryptoException: Could not save keystore"? when exporting my 4096-bit key pair to a PKCS #12 file? The main reason of getting this error in Portecle is that the key size is too big for the default security setting. See the details below: 1. Run Portecle and open "FYIcetne...
2022-06-20, ≈47🔥, 7💬

💬 2022-06-20 FYIcenter.com: @Tim, Thanks! ☺

💬 2022-06-14 Tim: This error could also be seen if the file permissions are stopping the save from occurring.

💬 2020-07-15 Yogesh Baral: Try opening up Portecle as an administrator.

(More comments ...)

Examine Certificate File with Portecle
How to examine a certificate file with Portecle? To examine a certificate file: From the Examine menu, choose Examine Certificate . Alternatively click on the Examine Certificate toolbar button. The Examine Certificate dialog will appear. Select the folder where the certificate file is stored. Click...
2022-06-05, ∼3478🔥, 1💬

General Questions on Portecle
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions in general areas of Portecle? I am new to Portecle. Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com team in general areas of Portecle: What Is Portecle - Certificate Tool Releases of Portecle Downloading and...
2019-08-23, ∼2580🔥, 2💬

💬 2019-08-24 FYIcenter.com: @Rolo, as a tool, Protecle/Java is secure. But you need to select a secure encryption algorithm with longer keys and keep your p...

💬 2019-08-19 Rolo: how secure is to use Protecle since is based on Java??

Releases of Portecle
What is the latest release of Portecle? The latest release of Portecle is 1.10 published on 2016-02-04. Other releases are: Portecle 1.10 2016-02-04 Portecle 1.9 2015-06-23 Portecle 1.8 2014-01-13 Portecle 1.7 2011-01-23 Portecle 1.6 2011-01-15 Portecle 1.5 2010-01-02 Portecle 1.4 2009-02-22 Portecl...
2018-07-13, ∼1906🔥, 2💬

💬 2018-07-03 FYIcenter.com: Yes.

💬 2018-06-29 Will Braat: Does Particle work on windows 10?

Other Features with Portecle
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions about Other Features with Portecle? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Other Features with Portecle: Examine Certificate File with Portecle Import Trusted Certificate with Portecle Delet...
2017-08-03, ∼1673🔥, 0💬

CSR (Certificate Signing Request) with Portecle
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions about CSR (Certificate Signing Request) with Portecle? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com team on CSR (Certificate Signing Request) with Portecle: Generate CSR from Key Pair Entry with Portecle ...
2017-07-29, ∼3014🔥, 0💬

Managing Keystore Files with Portecle
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions about Managing Keystore Files with Portecle? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Managing Keystore Files with Portecle: Create New Keystore with Portecle Open Keystore File with Portecle ...
2017-07-29, ∼2052🔥, 0💬

Managing Key Pair with Portecle
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions about Managing Key Pair with Portecle? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Managing Key Pair with Portecle: Generate Key Pair with Portecle Import Key Pair with Portecle Clone Keystore Ke...
2017-07-29, ∼1761🔥, 0💬

Create Keystore in JKS Format with Portecle
How to a keystore file in JKS (Java KeyStore) format with Portecle? I want to use it to store certificates for my Java applications. If you want to create a keystore file in JKS format and you are tired of using the JDK keytool commands, you can try the Portecle GUI tool. 1. Run Portecle. 2. Click F...
2015-10-12, ≈11🔥, 0💬

What Is Portecle - Certificate Tool
What is Portecle? I heard that Portecle is nice certificate management tool. Portecle is a user friendly GUI application for creating, managing and examining keystores, keys, certificates, certificate requests, certificate revocation lists and more. Portecle is a Java based application and runs on W...
2015-10-12, ∼8290🔥, 0💬

Create New Keystore with Portecle
How to create a new keystore file with Portecle? I have Portecle installed. To create a new keystore file: 1. From the File menu, choose New Keystore. Alternatively click on the New Keystore toolbar button: 2. The New Keystore Type dialog is displayed. Select the desired keystore type using the radi...
2015-10-12, ∼5573🔥, 0💬

Open Keystore File with Portecle
How to open a keystore file with Portecle? Note: Portecle supports the following keystore types: JKS (normal and case sensitive version), PKCS #12, JCEKS, BKS, UBER, and GNU Keyring. Attempts to open keystore files of any other type will result in an error. To open a keystore from file: From the Fil...
2015-10-12, ∼4230🔥, 0💬

Save Keystore File with Portecle
How to save a keystore with Portecle? To save a keystore to file: From the File menu, choose Save Keystore . Alternatively click on the Save Keystore toolbar button. If the keystore is not Untitled then it will be saved immediately. Otherwise... If you have yet to set a password for your Untitled ke...
2015-10-12, ∼3792🔥, 0💬

Change Keystore File Type with Portecle
How to change a keystore file type with Portecle? To change a keystore's type: From the Tools menu, choose the Change Keystore Type sub-menu. From this menu you can choose between supported keystore types. Choose the menu item corresponding to the required type. Note that the current type will be di...
2015-10-12, ∼3667🔥, 0💬

Set Keystore's Password with Portecle
How to set a keystore's password with Portecle? To set a keystore's password: From the Tools menu, choose Set Keystore Password . Alternatively click on the Set Keystore Password toolbar button. The Set Keystore Password dialog will be displayed. Enter the password to protect the keystore with, conf...
2015-10-12, ∼3887🔥, 0💬

Produce Keystore Report with Portecle
How to produce a keystore report with Portecle? To produce a keystore report: From the Tools menu, choose Keystore Report . Alternatively click on the Keystore Report toolbar button. The Keystore Report dialog will be displayed with details of the keystore in tree form including all entries and atta...
2015-10-12, ∼3206🔥, 0💬

Generate Key Pair with Portecle
How to generate a key pair, a private key and a public key, with Portecle? To generate a key pair entry in a keystore: From the Tools menu, choose Generate Key Pair . Alternatively click on the Generate Key Pair toolbar button. The Generate Key Pair dialog will be displayed. Select a Key Algorithm a...
2015-10-12, ∼4322🔥, 0💬

Examine HTTPS Connection with Portecle
How to examine an HTTPS (SSL/TLS) connection with Portecle? I am connecting to a Web site that uses the HTTPS protocol and want to see certificates used by the Web server. To examine an SSL / TLS connection: From the Examine menu, choose Examine SSL/TLS Connection . The Examine SSL/TLS Connection di...
2015-10-12, ∼4029🔥, 0💬

Examine CSR File with Portecle
How to examine a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) file with Portecle? To examine a CSR file: From the Examine menu, choose Examine Certification Request . The Examine CSR dialog will appear. Select the folder where the CSR file is stored. Click on the required CSR file or type the filename into the...
2015-10-12, ∼3697🔥, 0💬

Examine CRL File with Portecle
How to examine a CRL file with Portecle? To examine a CRL file: From the Examine menu, choose Examine CRL . Alternatively click on the Examine CRL toolbar button. The Examine CRL dialog will appear. Select the folder where the CRL file is stored. Click on the required CRL file or type the filename i...
2015-10-12, ∼3106🔥, 0💬

Import Trusted Certificate with Portecle
How to import a trusted certificate with Portecle? To import a trusted certificate into a keystore from file: From the Tools menu, choose Import Trusted Certificate . Alternatively click on the Import Trusted Certificate toolbar button. The Import Trusted Certificate dialog will appear. Select the f...
2015-10-12, ∼5089🔥, 0💬

Import Key Pair with Portecle
How to import a key pair with Portecle? To import a key pair into a keystore from a PKCS #12 keystore or PEM bundle file: From the Tools menu, choose Import Key Pair . Alternatively click on the Import Key Pair toolbar button. The Choose Key Pair File for Import dialog will appear. Select the folder...
2015-10-12, ∼5459🔥, 0💬

Delete Keystore Entry with Portecle
How to delete a keystore entry with Portecle? To delete a keystore entry: Right-click on the keystore entry in the keystore entries table. Select the Delete item from the resultant pop-up menu. The entry will disappear from the keystore entries table.   ⇒ Other Features with Portecle ⇒⇒ Portecle Ce...
2015-10-12, ∼3336🔥, 0💬

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