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OpenSSL "ca" Error "lookup failed for ca::default_ca"
Why I am getting the "variable lookup failed for ca::default_ca" error when running OpenSSL "ca" command? You are getting the "variable lookup failed for ca::default_ca" error, because OpenSSL "ca" command can not find the required "default_ca" option in the configuration file. For example, if you h...
2024-03-12, 49636🔥, 2💬

💬 2024-03-12 Chris: Thanks for this :)

💬 2022-04-11 yaqeen: openssl ca -config myCA_openssl.cnf -policy policy_anything \ -md sha256 -days 3650 \ -in server.csr -out server.crt -batch \ -c...

OpenSSL "ca" Error "./demoCA/newcerts: No such file or directory"
Why I am getting the "./demoCA/newcerts: No such file or directory" error when running OpenSSL "ca" command? If you are running the OpenSSL "ca" command installed with the slproweb binary package for Windows, you may get the "./demoCA/newcerts: No such file or directory" error as shown below: C:\Use...
2022-07-26, 48872🔥, 4💬

💬 2022-07-26 FYIcenter.com: Thanks for the suggestion!

💬 2022-07-26 flash: in openssl.cfg file give double slash in folder path dir = C:\\OpenSSL-Win64\\bin\\demoCA

💬 2017-02-21 FYIcenter.com: Hi sanakhan, thanks for the suggestion.

(More comments ...)

OpenSSL rsautl "data too large for key size" Error
Why am I getting the "data too large for key size" error, when using OpenSSL "rsautl" command to encrypt a large file? Because of the nature of the RSA algorithm, a single encryption process can only encrypt input data that is smaller than the modulus value of the RSA key. In other words, the size (...
2021-05-04, 46395🔥, 1💬

Save OpenSSL Command Output to File
How to save the output of an OpenSSL command into a file? I want to make a copy of the server certificate display in the "s_client -connect" command output. If want to save the output an OpenSSL command into a file, you need to run the entire OpenSSL command at the Windows command prompt with the Wi...
2021-11-19, 39468🔥, 1💬

💬 2021-11-19 ts.gil.com.pk: openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha256 -out ts_gil_com_pk.csr -keyout ts_gil_com_pk.key -subj "/CN=ts.gil.com.pk/C=US"

OpenSSL "ca" - "error while loading serial number"
Why I am getting the "error while loading serial number" error when running OpenSSL "ca" command? If you are running the OpenSSL "ca" command installed with the slproweb binary package for Windows, you may get the "error while loading serial number" error as shown below: C:\Users\fyicenter>\l.. .
2016-09-13, 36048🔥, 0💬

OpenSSL "req -new" - "no objects specified in config file" Error
Why am I getting the "no objects specified in config file" error when running the OpenSSL "req -new" command? If you are getting the "no objects specified in config file" error when running the OpenSSL "req -new" command, because OpenSSL receives no value for all DN (Distinguished Name) fields. Open...
2016-10-29, 31054🔥, 0💬

Start OpenSSL from Working Directory
How to start OpenSSL from my working directory where I have certificates stored. You can start OpenSSL from a command line window as shown in the tutorial: 1. Open a command line window. 2. Use the "cd" command to go to your working directory. 3. Run the OpenSSL program with the full path name as sh...
2012-07-23, 29524🔥, 0💬

OpenSSL "req" - distinguished_name Configuration Section
What is the distinguished_name section in the OpenSSL configuration file? The distinguished_name section in the OpenSSL configuration file is a required section of options when using OpenSSL "req -new" or "req -newkey" commands to generate a new CSR or self-signed certificate. distinguished_name sec...
2016-11-02, 28932🔥, 0💬

OpenSSL "rsautl -decrypt" - Decryption with RSA Private Key
How to decrypt a file with the RSA private key using OpenSSL "rsautl" command? I received a file that is encrypted with my RSA public key. If you receive a file encrypted with your RSA public key and want to decrypt the file with your RSA private key, you can use the OpenSSL "rsault -decrypt" comman...
2021-06-28, 27166🔥, 2💬

💬 2021-06-28 THONG NGO: BitcoinVN

💬 2021-06-21 reza: Thanks

Run OpenSSL Commands
How to run OpenSSL commands? I have OpenSSL installed on my Windows computer. If you have OpenSSL for Windows installed, you can run OpenSSL commands in two ways: 1. Run a single OpenSSL command at the Windows command prompt by entering "openssl <command>" together. The following examp...
2023-10-12, 26808🔥, 6💬

💬 2023-10-12 Gulam: openssl rand -base64 32

💬 2022-05-12 Said: openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -out likedimi.com.rsa.csr -keyout likedimi.com.rsa.pkey -subj "/C=ES/ST=Barcelona/L=Bar...

💬 2021-08-06 a: openssl req -new x509 -nodes -out server.crt -keyout server.key

(More comments ...)

OpenSSL "x509 -text" - Print Certificate Info
How to print out text information from a certificate using OpenSSL "x509" command? I want to see the subject and issuer of the certificate. Assuming you have a certificate file located at: C:\Users\fyicenter\twitter.crt ,you can print out certificate information in text format using the "x509 -text"...
2012-07-23, 26794🔥, 0💬

Download and Install OpenSSL Fulgan Binary for Windows
How to download OpenSSL for Windows? I heard that OpenSSL is a nice free tool to manage keys and certificates. You can download and install OpenSSL Windows version using these steps: 1. Go to the https://indy.fulgan.com/SSL/ Website. 2. Search and select the latest version that matches your Windows ...
2017-03-07, 24692🔥, 1💬

OpenSSL Tutorials
Where to find tutorials on using OpenSSL to manage certificate? Here is a collection of tutorials on managing certificates with OpenSSL compiled by FYIcenter.com team. Topics include installing OpenSSL on Windows, OpenSSL commands and options, validating certificates, etc. General Information about ...
2022-06-11, 24102🔥, 1💬

💬 2022-06-11 Egberts: How to make specific certificates like TLS client, CRL revocation, Software certificate, email encryption, intermediate certific...

OpenSSL "x509 -fingerprint" - Print Certificate Fingerprint
How to print out MD5 and SHA-1 fingerprints of a certificate using OpenSSL "x509" command? I need to see them and validate them with the owner of the certificate. Assuming you have a certificate file located at: C:\Users\fyicenter\twitter.crt ,you can print out certificate fingerprints using the "x5...
2012-07-23, 23807🔥, 0💬

OpenSSL "x509" Command Options
What can I use OpenSSL "x509" command for? What are options supported by the "x509" command? OpenSSL "x509" command is a multi purpose certificate utility. It can be used to display certificate information, convert certificates to various forms, sign certificate requests like a "mini CA" or edit cer...
2021-01-16, 22923🔥, 1💬

💬 2021-01-16 Rodrigo Barahona: Comentaros

OpenSSL "s_client -connect" - Connect to HTTPS Web Site
How to connect to a HTTPS Web site using OpenSSL? I see the Web sites using the "https:\" format. If you see a Web sites using the "https:\" format, for example https://twitter.com/login/, you can try to connect the Web site using the "x509 -connect" command as shown below: C:\Users\fyicenter&gt...
2012-07-24, 21018🔥, 0💬

OpenSSL "s_client" Command Options
What can I use OpenSSL "s_client" command for? What are options supported by the "s_client" command? OpenSSL "s_client" command implements a generic SSL/TLS client which can establish a transparent connection to a remote server speaking SSL/TLS. It's intended for testing purposes only and provides o...
2012-07-23, 20414🔥, 0💬

OpenSSL "ca" Error "unable to open ./demoCA/index.txt"
Why I am getting the "unable to open './demoCA/index.txt'" error when running OpenSSL "ca" command? If you are running the OpenSSL "ca" command installed with the slproweb binary package for Windows, you may get the "unable to open './demoCA/index.txt'" error as shown below: C:\Users\fyicenter&g...
2016-09-18, 18992🔥, 0💬

OpenSSL "req -x509 -set_serial" - Certificate Serial Number
Can I sign my own CSR with a given serial number using the OpenSSL "req -x509" command? Yes, you can sign you own CSR (Certificate Sign Request) with a given serial number using the OpenSSL "req -x509 -set_serial" command as shown below. Without the "-set_serial" option, the resulting certificate wi...
2016-11-11, 18930🔥, 0💬

Sample X.509 Certificate File to Test OpenSSL
How can I get a X.509 certificate file to play with OpenSSL commands "x509" command? If you have no other easy way to get a sample X.509 certificate file, you can create one yourself using these steps: 1. Open "Notepad" with a black text file. 2. Copy and paste the following data into the "Notepad" ...
2012-07-23, 17741🔥, 0💬

OpenSSL Command to List All Commands
How to list all commands in OpenSSL? I don't remember exactly what is the command to generate a CSR. Interestingly, there is no OpenSSL command to list all commands supported in OpenSSL. And there is no "help" command. However, if you enter "help" as a command, OpenSSL will return you an error messa...
2012-07-23, 17170🔥, 0💬

OpenSSL "s_client -connect" - Show Server Certificate Chain
How to show all certificates in the server certificate chain using the OpenSSL "s_client -connect" command? I know the server uses multiple intermediate CA certificates. You can get all certificates in the server certificate chain if use "s_client -connect" with the "-showcerts" option as shown belo...
2012-07-24, 16528🔥, 0💬

Install OpenSSL 0.9.8h on Windows
How to install OpenSSL on Windows? I have downloaded the "openssl-0.9.8h-1-setup.exe" on the desktop. If you have "openssl-0.9.8h-1-setup.exe" available, you can install OpenSSL 0.9.8h on Windows using these steps: 1. Double-click on "openssl-0.9.8h-1-setup.exe" to start the installation wizard. 2. ...
2012-07-23, 16173🔥, 0💬

OpenSSL "ca" Error "lookup failed for ca::database"
Why I am getting the "variable lookup failed for ca::database" error when running OpenSSL "ca" command? You are getting the "variable lookup failed for ca::database" error, because OpenSSL "ca" command can not find the required "database" option in the configuration file. For example, if you have th...
2016-09-08, 15971🔥, 0💬

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