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Mozilla "certutil -A -i" - Add Root CA Certificate to cert8.db
How to add a root CA certificate into "cert8.db" file using Mozilla "certutil" tool? I have exported a root CA certificate file in PEM format If you want to add a root CA certificate into a "cert8.db" file from a certificate file, you can use the Mozilla "certutil -A -i" command as shown in this tut...
2016-06-27, 47557🔥, 2💬

💬 2014-11-26 FYIcenter.com: Hi Jeff, if you follow the above tutorial starting from step #3, you should be able to import any existing certificate into Fire...

💬 2014-11-24 Jeff: How I can import existing .cer certificate to firefox database using command line?

GTE CyberTrust Global Root Certificate - 2B3807196A75A09B18BFBBB8FF1795DE8B0908EA
Certificate Summary: Subject: GTE CyberTrust Global Root Issuer: GTE CyberTrust Global Root Expiration: 2018-08-13 23:59:00 UTC &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Expired - Replacement Suggestion: Cybertrust Global Root Certificate Key Identifier: 2B:38:07:19:6A:75:A0:9B:18:BF: BB:B8:FF:17:95:DE:8B:09:...
2021-11-16, 46856🔥, 12💬

💬 2021-11-16 Michael Jimmy Ray DeLao: My roots Al that was stoild in 2016 and on ,all my license and data you there's give me back.by the power of God give back my be...

💬 2021-11-03 Michael jimmy ray delao: How aboute my sacurts and data stoild june 30,2016 field conplaent and loss from 2008 and on my tempalton an mellon accounts sto...

💬 2020-09-28 Michael jimmy Ray DeLao: My trust funds was stold three teirs of data,give me it back.some getting locked up.

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OpenSSL rsautl "data too large for key size" Error
Why am I getting the "data too large for key size" error, when using OpenSSL "rsautl" command to encrypt a large file? Because of the nature of the RSA algorithm, a single encryption process can only encrypt input data that is smaller than the modulus value of the RSA key. In other words, the size (...
2021-05-04, 46780🔥, 1💬

PKCS #12 Export Error in Portecle
Why I am getting an error: "CryptoException: Could not save keystore"? when exporting my 4096-bit key pair to a PKCS #12 file? The main reason of getting this error in Portecle is that the key size is too big for the default security setting. See the details below: 1. Run Portecle and open "FYIcetne...
2022-06-20, 46564🔥, 7💬

💬 2022-06-20 FYIcenter.com: @Tim, Thanks! ☺

💬 2022-06-14 Tim: This error could also be seen if the file permissions are stopping the save from occurring.

💬 2020-07-15 Yogesh Baral: Try opening up Portecle as an administrator.

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FYIcenter EC Private Key Generator
How to generate a pair of EC Private Key and Public Key? To help you to generate a pair of EC Private Key and Public Key, FYIcenter.com has designed this online tool. All you need to do is to select a curve name, and click the "Generate" button below. Generated key details will be displayed in the r...
2024-01-23, 45114🔥, 9💬

💬 2023-05-16 trent: No one tell modi or his modilings how easy it is to generate public/private encrytions keys

💬 2023-04-25 Riahi Issam: thank you!

💬 2022-07-29 Algo designer: Can any one tell me how can we encrypt the token using en256 algo in C# with the string type of private key.

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certmgr.msc - Import Root CA Certificate
How to import a root CA certificate into certificate stores using "certmgr.msc"? I have the certificate in a PEM certificate file. You can import a root CA certificate into certificate stores using the "certmgr.msc" tool as shown in this tutorial. 1. Start "certmgr.msc" Management Console on your Wi...
2012-08-03, 44877🔥, 0💬

Certum Trusted Network CA Certificate - 0876CDCB07FF24F6C5CDEDBB90BCE284374675F7
Certificate Summary: Subject: Certum Trusted Network CA Issuer: Certum Trusted Network CA Expiration: 2029-12-31 12:07:37 UTC Key Identifier: 08:76:CD:CB:07:FF:24:F6:C5:CD: ED:BB:90:BC:E2:84:37:46:75:F7Received at FYIcenter.com on: 2016-11-15 Certum Trusted Network CA Certificate - 0876CDCB07FF24F6C...
2020-09-28, 44108🔥, 1💬

Microsoft "certutil -encode..." - Converte DER file to PEM
How to convert a certificate file in DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) format to PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) format? I know that PEM file format uses printable characters only and is safe to be included emails. If you want to convert a certificate from DER format to PEM format, you can use the Micr...
2020-01-12, 43682🔥, 1💬

💬 2020-01-12 Y: Thank you!!!!

DST Root CA X3 Certificate - C4A7B1A47B2C71FADBE14B9075FFC41560858910
Certificate Summary: Subject: DST Root CA X3 Issuer: DST Root CA X3 Expiration: 2021-09-30 14:01:15 UTC Key Identifier: C4:A7:B1:A4:7B:2C:71:FA:DB:E1: 4B:90:75:FF:C4:15:60:85:89:10Received at FYIcenter.com on: 2021-07-21
2021-08-11, 43465🔥, 0💬

Export Server Certificate in IE to File
How to export the server certificate to a file in IE? I can view the server certificate used by the Website. On a Windows 7 system, you can not export a server certificate from IE if you don't have the admin permission. The "Copy to File..." button is grayed out on the certificate "Details" tab. Fol...
2021-10-12, 43424🔥, 3💬

💬 2021-10-12 Vijay: Helpful

💬 2013-10-06 FYIcenter.com: Hi Stan, Thanks for the note. Yes, Firefox allows you to export server certificates.

💬 2013-10-04 Stan: Encountered same issue, used Firefox to export certificate I needed.

Certificate Stores Locations on Windows
Where system certificate stores are located on my Windows system? The way Microsoft keeps system certificate stores on Windows 10, 8, or 7 is complicated: Certificates are first saved in multiple physical store files hidden on the hard disk. Physical store files are then grouped into logical system ...
2020-10-17, 43399🔥, 1💬

Microsoft "certutil -verify" Command Options
How can I use Microsoft "certutil -verify" command? What are command options supported by "certutil -verify"? The document says "Verify certificate, CRL or chain". Microsoft "certutil -verify" command can be used to verify (validate) certificate saved in a certificate file. Here are options supporte...
2013-03-04, 43053🔥, 0💬

VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority Certificate - B677FA6948479F5312D5C2EA07327607D1970719
Certificate Summary: Subject: VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority Issuer: VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority Expiration: 2037-12-01 23:59:59 UTC Key Identifier: B6:77:FA:69:48:47:9F:53:12:D5: C2:EA:07:32:76:07:D1:97:07:19Received at FYIcenter.com on: 2016-11-15 VeriSign Univ...
2021-01-28, 42970🔥, 1💬

💬 2021-01-28 kevin kingston: good.

Tool for cert8.db and key3.db Files - Mozilla "certutil"
What tool to use to manage cert8.db and key3.db files directly? I know cert8.db and key3.db are used by Firefox to store CA certificates. cert8.db and key3.db are created by Firefox automatically to store CA certificates. Normally, you should use the Firefox built-in Certificate Manager to manage ce...
2019-09-20, 42830🔥, 1💬

💬 2019-09-20 Hemendra: This is very helpful site

💬 2016-06-17 Jitesh: None

Start "certmgr.msc" on Windows
How to start "certmgr.msc" Management Console on Windows computer? I want to use it manage certificates on my computer. If you want start "certmgr.msc" Management Console on a Windows computer, you can follow this tutorial: 1. Open a new command window. 2. Enter "certmgr.msc" as a command: C:\fyicen...
2016-12-19, 41893🔥, 1💬

Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority Certificate - BF5FB7D1CEDD1F86F45B55ACDCD710C20EA988E7
Certificate Summary: Subject: Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority Issuer: Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority Expiration: 2034-06-29 17:39:16 UTC Key Identifier: BF:5F:B7:D1:CE:DD:1F:86:F4:5B: 55:AC:DC:D7:10:C2:0E:A9:88:E7Received at FYIcenter.com on: 2016-09-19 Starfield Class 2 Certifi...
2021-07-11, 41553🔥, 2💬

💬 2021-07-11 Ssa: Why you should give certificate to amezon and amezon to cowin

💬 2014-05-11 Ashok: Nice

Java "keytool -list" Command Options
What options are supported by the "keytool -list" command? Java Keytool can be used to manage certificates and private keys saved in a keystore file. The first you need to know is the "keytool -list command, which displays a list of all certificate and private key entries in a keystore file. The "ke...
2016-06-27, 41336🔥, 2💬

💬 2014-03-08 FYIcenter.com: Hi vadvadf, what kind of help do you need?

💬 2014-03-07 vadvadf: no help at all

Microsoft "certutil -viewstore" Command Options
How can I use Microsoft "certutil -viewstore" command? What are command options supported by "certutil -viewstore"? The document says "Dump certificate store". Microsoft "certutil -viewstore" command can be used to view certificates from a certificate store in an pop-up window. Here are options supp...
2013-04-26, 40089🔥, 0💬

Renew a Certificate with the Same Key
Renewing a certificate with the same key provides maximum compatibility with past uses of the accompanying key pair, but it does not enhance the security of the certificate and key pair. Users or local Administrators is the minimum group membership required to complete this procedure. Review the det...
2016-07-28, 39706🔥, 0💬

Save OpenSSL Command Output to File
How to save the output of an OpenSSL command into a file? I want to make a copy of the server certificate display in the "s_client -connect" command output. If want to save the output an OpenSSL command into a file, you need to run the entire OpenSSL command at the Windows command prompt with the Wi...
2021-11-19, 39633🔥, 1💬

💬 2021-11-19 ts.gil.com.pk: openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha256 -out ts_gil_com_pk.csr -keyout ts_gil_com_pk.key -subj "/CN=ts.gil.com.pk/C=US"

Chambers of Commerce Root Certificate - E394F5B14DE9DBA1295B578B4D760676E1D1A28A
Certificate Summary: Subject: Chambers of Commerce Root Issuer: Chambers of Commerce Root Expiration: 2037-09-30 16:13:44 UTC Key Identifier: E3:94:F5:B1:4D:E9:DB:A1:29:5B: 57:8B:4D:76:06:76:E1:D1:A2:8AReceived at FYIcenter.com on: 2016-10-25 Chambers of Commerce Root Certificate - E394F5B14DE9DBA12...
2021-05-04, 39002🔥, 8💬

💬 2020-09-08 Stephen keith stevekeith502@gm: 862P692M+8P... I'm pretty sure I've been tapped hacked when I do a hard reset its code is memes deadpool. I need help fixing my ...

💬 2018-08-17 Brooke: How on Earth does thus get onto one's device, anyhow?

💬 2017-05-17 SUJAL: Hi Iam ONE of the ROCK

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Global Chambersign Root - 2008 Certificate - B909CA9C1EDBD36C3A6BAEED54F15B9306352E5E
Certificate Summary: Subject: Global Chambersign Root - 2008 Issuer: Global Chambersign Root - 2008 Expiration: 2038-07-31 12:31:40 UTC Key Identifier: B9:09:CA:9C:1E:DB:D3:6C:3A:6B: AE:ED:54:F1:5B:93:06:35:2E:5EReceived at FYIcenter.com on: 2016-11-02 Global Chambersign Root - 2008 Certificate - B9...
2022-06-28, 37978🔥, 9💬

💬 2022-02-04 FYIcenter.com: @Charlie, you should run some antivirus tool to clean up your device first. The tool will also restore the certificates for you.

💬 2022-01-09 Charlie C Nguyen: My device has been compromised and how do I know which certification is the right for my device? Is there a way identifying in t...

💬 2020-11-26 Shawn Sunnarborg: I need to ask about this certificate. Is there any way someone who knows about this and why I am here please tell me.

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Java Trusted Certificates Location on Windows
Where is the default trusted certificate keystore file located on my Windows computer? I think I have Java 7 installed. If you have Java installed on your Windows computer, you can find the default trusted certificate keystore file in the $JAVA_HOME folder, which is normally at "\Program Files\java\...
2012-07-21, 37881🔥, 0💬

Microsoft "certutil" No local Certification Authority Error
Why I am getting the "No local Certification Authority; use -config option" error when running Microsoft "certutil" commands? Many Microsoft "certutil" commands applies to certificates saved in certficate stores on your local computer. But some other "certutil" commands applies to certificates maint...
2013-04-29, 36714🔥, 0💬

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