How To Install JDK on Windows


How to install JDK on Windows? I have "jdk-7u5-windows-i586.exe" download on my desktop.



If you have "jdk-7u5-windows-i586.exe" ready, installing it is straightforward.

1. Double-click on "jdk-7u5-windows-i586.exe" to start the installation setup tool.

Java SE 7 Installation Setup
Java SE 7 Installation Setup

2. Click the "Next" button to review the installation custom settings. Keep the default installation folder at "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_05\".

Java SE 7 Installation Custom Settings
Java SE 7 Installation Custom Settings

3. Click the "Next" button to start the installation of JDK.

4. Click the "Next" button to when it asks for installing JRE.

5. Click the "Next" button to when it asks for installing JavaFX SDK.

6. Close the installation setup tool when everything is done.


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2012-07-19, 10🔥, 0💬