Export Server Certificate in Google Chrome 51 to File


How to export the server certificate in Google Chrome 51 to a file? I can view the server certificate used by the Website.

✍: FYIcenter.com


If you are viewing the server certificate in Google Chrome 51, you can export it to a certificate file as shown in this tutorial:

1. Visit https://www.paypal.com Web site with Google Chrome 51.

2. Open the server certificate as shown in the previous tutorial.

3. Click "Details" tab. You see list of attribute names and values of the certificate.

4. Click "Copy to File..." button. You see "Certificate Export Wizard" showing up.

5. Follow instructions given on the wizard and save the certificate to a file, "C:\fyicenter\paypal.cer".


Export Server Certificate Path in Google Chrome 51

Validation Path of Server Certificate in Google Chrome 51

Managing Certificates in Google Chrome 51

⇑⇑ Google Chrome Certificates Tutorials

2013-12-02, 4895🔥, 0💬