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Microsoft "certutil -store..." - Certificate File Format
What is the file format of the certificate file exported by the Microsoft "certutil -store" command? It is DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules), PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail), or PKCS12 (Public-Key Cryptography Standards #12)?
The file format of certificate files exported from certificate stores by the Microsoft "certutil -store" command is DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) format. See the tutorial below:
1. Generate and insert a new self-signed certificate into "-user TestStore" certificate store:
C:\fyicenter> "\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\sdk\v2.0\bin\makecert.exe" -n "CN=FYIcenter Root CA" -r -ss TestStore Succeeded
2. Export the new certificate into a certificate file "fyi.crt":
C:\fyicenter>\windows\system32\certutil -store -user TestStore "FYIcenter Root CA" FYIcenter.crt TestStore ================ Certificate 0 ================ Serial Number: b3f33360411e2b8045cd75cf9588a23d Issuer: CN=FYIcenter Root CA NotBefore: 7/1/2012 10:34 PM NotAfter: 12/31/2039 6:59 PM Subject: CN=FYIcenter Root CA Signature matches Public Key Root Certificate: Subject matches Issuer Template: Cert Hash(sha1): 32 c6 b7 33 0f 30 64 41 f9 16 95 0d d5 65 a7 30 9c 50 b9 c2 Key Container = JoeSoft Unique container name: 7b90a71bfc56f2582e916a51aed6df9a_e4c0ab3c-2930-4330-b97 9-2488d6d8e2d2 Provider = Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider Private key is NOT exportable Signature test passed CertUtil: -store command completed successfully.
3. Look at the certificate file as HEX number. We can assume that the certificate file exported by the Microsoft "certutil -store" command is a binary data file and most likely in DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) format.
30 82 02 0e 30 82 01 77 a0 03 02 01 02 02 10 b3 ...
⇒ Microsoft "certutil -viewstore" Command Options
⇐ Microsoft "certutil -store CA 0 first.crt" - Export Certificate
2013-04-24, 6124🔥, 0💬
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