View Certificate Chain with Google Chrome 124


How to view Website certificate chain with Google Chrome 124? I want to know which root certificate authority issued the Website certificate.



In most cases, root certificate authorities do not issue Website certificates directly. They usually issue certificates to intermediate authorities, who when issue certificates to Websites.

This sequence of issuing (or signing) certificates from a root certificate authority to a Website is called certificate chain.

In Google Chrome 124, the certificate chain information is displayed on the "Details" tab of the Certificate Viewer.

1. Run Google Chrome 124 and visit You see Yahoo Website displayed with a properties icon displayed next to the Website address.

2. Click the properties icon on the left of the Website address. You see the site properties dialog box displayed:

Connection is secure 
Cookies - 351 in use 
Site settings

3. Click the "Connection is secure" link. You see security properties displayed:

Connection is secure 
Your information (for example, passwords or
credit card numbers) is private when it is send 
to this site. 

Certificate is valid 

4. Click the "Certificate is valid" link. You see the Certificate Viewer displayed.

5. Click the "Details" tab. You see the certificate chain displayed on top of the certificate detail section.

DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA 
  DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server CA 

5. Click "DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA". You see the root certificate displayed.

DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA
Root certificate authority
Expires: Sunday, November 9, 2031
This certificate is valid 

6. Click "Details". You see details of the root certificate displayed.

View Certificate Chain in Google Chrome 124
View Certificate Chain in Google Chrome 124


Export Website Certificate from Google Chrome 124

Website Certificate Details with Google Chrome 124

Using Certificates in Google Chrome 124

⇑⇑ Google Chrome Certificates Tutorials

2024-04-29, 279🔥, 0💬