"site is not fully secure" Warning in Google Chrome 124


Why am I getting the "Your connection to this site is not fully secure" warning in Google Chrome 124?

✍: FYIcenter.com


If you are visiting a Website with a mix secure and non-secure contents, Google Chrome 124 will display the "Not Secure" warning next to the Website address.

If you click on the "Not Secure" warning, you see the "Your connection to this site is not fully secure" warning message and additional informaiton.

The following example shows you that the Yahoo Website certificate is valid, but the Web page contains images that are provided from non-secure Websites.


Your connection to this site is not fully secure
Attackers might be able to see the images you're looking 
at on this site and trick you by modifying them.

Certificate is valid
'site is not fully secure' Warning
"site is not fully secure" Warning

You will get the "Your connection to this site is not fully secure" warning, if a secure Website contains any embedded non-secure elements like images, videos, objects, scripts, styles, scripts, iframes, links, etc..


Website without Certificate in Google Chrome

"Not Secure" Warning in Google Chrome 124

Using Certificates in Google Chrome

⇑⇑ Google Chrome Certificates Tutorials

2024-07-16, 468🔥, 1💬