OpenSSL "policy" Options for "ca" Command


What are policy options in the configuration file for the OpenSSL "ca" command?



Policy options in the configuration file are used by the OpenSSL "ca" command for 2 purposes:

  • Defines validation rules for DN (Distinguished Name) fields.
  • Defines the order of DN (Distinguished Name) fields in the certificate.

Policy options must provided in a named section, like [my_ca_policy], in the configuration file. Then you can:

  • Use "policy=my_ca_policy" option in the configuration to point to that section.
  • Use "-policy my_ca_policy" option in the command line to point to that section.

A policy option is defined with the DN field name and one of 3 possible values: "optional" - value not required for this DN field, "supplied" - value required for this DN field, "match" - value must match between subject and issuer.

Below is a good example of policy option section. It requires only the "commonName" field to have value. And "commonName" will be listed as the first field in the subject.

# section for DN field validation and order
commonName             = supplied
countryName            = optional
stateOrProvinceName    = optional
localityName           = optional
organizationName       = optional
organizationalUnitName = optional
emailAddress           = optional


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OpenSSL "ca" Command

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2016-09-04, 4907🔥, 0💬