OpenSSL "ca" Error "lookup failed for ca::serial"


Why I am getting the "variable lookup failed for ca::serial" error when running OpenSSL "ca" command?



You are getting the "variable lookup failed for ca::serial" error, because OpenSSL "ca" command can not find the required "serial" option in the configuration file.

For example, if you have the follow configuration file, test.cnf, without "serial" option defined:

# Unnamed section of generic options

# section for the "default_ca" option
default_ca    = my_ca_default

# default section for "ca" command options
new_certs_dir = ./my_ca/certs
database      = ./my_ca/certs.db
default_md    = md5
policy        = my_ca_policy

You will get an error, because "serial" is a required option:


OpenSSL> ca -in test.csr -keyfile my_ca.key -cert my_ca.crt -config test.cnf
Using configuration from test.cnf
Enter pass phrase for my_ca.key:fyicenter
variable lookup failed for my_ca_default::serial
5816:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:
5816:error:2006D080:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:no such file:.\crypto\bio\bss_file.c:178:
5816:error:0E078072:configuration file routines:DEF_LOAD:no such file:
5816:error:0E06D06C:configuration file routines:NCONF_get_string:no value:
   .\crypto\conf\conf_lib.c:324:group=my_ca_default name=email_in_dn
5816:error:0E06D06C:configuration file routines:NCONF_get_string:no value:
   .\crypto\conf\conf_lib.c:324:group=my_ca_default name=serial
error in ca

Fixing this error is easy. Just add the "serial" option in the section pointed by the "default_ca" option in the configuration file:

# Unnamed section of generic options

# section for the "default_ca" option
default_ca    = my_ca_default

# default section for "ca" command options
new_certs_dir = ./my_ca/certs
database      = ./my_ca/certs.db
default_md    = md5
policy        = my_ca_policy
serial        = ./my_ca/certs.seq

Remember to create .\my_ca\certs.seq file with "10", if it does not exist. The serial number file holds the serial number for the next new certificate.


OpenSSL "ca" Error "cannot lookup how many days ..."

OpenSSL "ca" Error "lookup failed for ca::policy"

OpenSSL "ca" Command

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2016-09-08, 9948🔥, 0💬