Certificate File Format Supported on Mac


Which certificate file format should I use when exporting a certificate on Mac computer? What is the "Certificate Bundle (.p7b)" format?

✍: FYIcenter.com


When exporting a certificate from Keychain Access to a file, it offers 3 certificate file formats for you:

  • "Certificate (.cer)" - This format uses the DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) encoding to store certificate content as a binary file.
  • "Privacy Enhanced Mail (.pem)" - This format uses DER algorithm to encode the certificate first. The output is then Base64 encoded into printable characters and stored as a text file.
  • "Certificate Bundle (.p7b)" - This format uses the PKCS#7 (Public-Key Cryptography Standards #7) algorithm to store certificate content as a binary file. It is capable to store a chain of multiple certificates into a single file.
Keychain Access - Certificate File Formats Supported
Keychain Access - Certificate File Formats Supported


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Export Root CA Certificate from Mac to File

Managing Certificates on Mac Computer

⇑⇑ Apple Mac Certificates Tutorials

2021-11-30, 2461🔥, 0💬