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KIGEN Certificate - ECF1174DE0511BA340D9BC0FE205B9252CF40CC3
Certificate Summary:
Subject: KIGEN
Issuer: KIGEN
Expiration: 2031-01-23 07:59:36 UTC
Key Identifier: EC:F1:17:4D:E0:51:1B:A3:40:D9:BC:0F:E2:05:B9:25:2C:F4:0C:C3
Received at on: 2021-01-25
Certificate Detailed Information:
Name: /C=IN/ST=Some-State/L=NOIDA/O=KIGEN Subject: Common Name (CN): Organizational Unit Name (OU): Organization Name (O): KIGEN Locality Name (L): NOIDA State or Province Name (ST): Some-State Country Name (C): IN Email Address: Issuer: Common Name (CN): Organizational Unit Name (OU): Organization Name (O): KIGEN Locality Name (L): NOIDA State or Province Name (ST): NA Country Name (C): IN Email Address: Valid From: Mon, 25 Jan 2021 07:59:36 +0000 Valid To: Thu, 23 Jan 2031 07:59:36 +0000 Serial Number: 2 Hash: 761a5d7d Version: 0 Signature Type: ecdsa-with-SHA256 Purposes: SSL client SSL server Netscape SSL server S/MIME signing S/MIME encryption CRL signing Any Purpose OCSP helper Time Stamp signing Extensions:
Certificate in PEM Format:
Related Certificate(s):
ID Subject Issuer Key Identifier Relation KIGEN KIGEN ECF1174DE0511... This Cert -------------------------------------------------- 10105 KIGEN KIGEN FE6270B126B8C... Parent Cert 10108 KIGEN KIGEN CA9B9C74DC3EF... Parent Cert 10116 KIGEN KIGEN 5CE9A89412E93... Parent Cert 10767 Kigen KIGEN 8817E006CCA5D... Child Cert 10769 Kigen KIGEN 8817E006CCA5D... Child Cert 13793 KIGEN KIGEN 4771B01935AC1... Parent Cert 13795 KIGEN KIGEN 60188FDBFD35A... Parent Cert 10455 SID KIGEN 14F5163C95FE1... Child Cert
Public Key Detailed Information:
Key Details: Type: EC Size (bits): 256 Curve Name: prime256v1 Curve OID: 1.2.840.10045.3.1.7 Public key (x): ab6c6732e1496c2c7d07416ad62f53cc89606c880956d13b16de5383ff0f6ef2 Public key (y): beff439614d99e6c8ada02f7fd9b1fa1b6e16bcea8354392c1631a951adc456c
Public Key in PEM Format:
-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEq2xnMuFJbCx9B0Fq1i9TzIlgbIgJ VtE7Ft5Tg/8PbvK+/0OWFNmebIraAvf9mx+htuFrzqg1Q5LBYxqVGtxFbA== -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
Identical or Similar Keys: We found that the public key in this certificate matches key(s) recorded previously.
ID Type Size Pri/Pub Key Identifier Date Comparison 10120 EC 256 Public ECF1174DE0511... 2021-01-25 Same Key ID
2021-03-07, 947👍, 0💬
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