Details View of Root CA Certificate in Google Chrome 51


How to view detailed information of a root CA certificate in Google Chrome 51?



To view detailed information of a root CA certificate in Google Chrome 51, you can double-click on the Certificate name in the CA certificate list and go to the "Details" tab as shown below:

1. Start "Certificate Manager" in Google Chrome 51.

2. Click "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" tab. You see the list of trusted CA certificates showing up.

3. Scroll down in the list and double-click on "DigiCert Global Root CA". You see the Certificate Viewer showing up.

4. Click "Details" tab. You see details of the certificate showing up.

5. Click "Subject" in the Certificate Fields. You see the value of "Subject" showing up.

Google Chrome 51 - Root CA Certificates Details View
Google Chrome 51 - Root CA Certificates Details View


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2013-11-20, 7039🔥, 0💬