Java Control Panel on Mac - Import Certificate


How to import a certificate as a user-level trusted certificate using Java Control Panel on Mac computers?



If you obtained a certificate and want make it as user-level trusted certificate for Java applications, you can use Java Control Panel on Mac computers with these steps:

1. Start "Java Control Panel" in "System Preferences".

2. Click "Security" tab, then "Manage Certificates..." button. You see the certificate manager.

3. Change "Certificate Type" to "Trusted Certificates", and click "User" tab.

4. Click "Import" button. Change "Files of type" to "All Files" on the "Open" dialog box.

Java Control Panel on Mac - Import Certificate
Java Control Panel on Mac - Import Certificate

5. Locate the certificate file to be imported, for example, yahoo-cert.crt. Click "Open" button. The certificate will be imported into the user-level trusted certificate keystore.


Java Control Panel on Mac - Export Certificate

Java Control Panel on Mac - Certificate Details

Java Control Panel on Mac

⇑⇑ Certificates on Java VM

2021-11-30, 5669🔥, 0💬