OpenSSL "req -verify" - Verify Signature of CSR


How to verify the digital signature inside a CSR using OpenSSL "req -verify" command?



If you want to verify the digital signature inside a CSR (Certificate Signing Request), you can use the OpenSSL "req -verify" command as shown below:


OpenSSL> req -in my_rsa.csr -noout -verify
verify OK

Options used in this "req" command are:

  • "-in my_rsa.csr" - Read the CSR from the given file.
  • "-noout" - Do not include CSR itself in the output.
  • "-verify" - Verify the digital signature inside the CSR.

The output "verify OK" indicates that the decrypted digital signature matches the digest of the CSR data,


OpenSSL "req -pubkey" - Extract Public Key from CSR

OpenSSL "req -text" Output and CSR Components

OpenSSL "req" Command

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2023-05-26, 9610🔥, 1💬