OpenSSL "pkey" Command Options


What can I use OpenSSL "pkey" command for? What are options supported by the "pkey" command?



OpenSSL "pkey" command is a utility to view and manage private keys and public keys.

Note that "pkey" command is replacing the old "rsa", and "dsa" commands.

Here are options supported by the "pkey" command:


OpenSSL> pkey -help
Unknown cipher help
Usage pkey [options]
where options are
-in file        input file
-inform X       input format (DER or PEM)
-passin arg     input file pass phrase source
-outform X      output format (DER or PEM)
-out file       output file
-passout arg    output file pass phrase source
-engine e       use engine e, possibly a hardware device.
error in pkey


OpenSSL "pkey -text" - Print RSA Key in Text

OpenSSL "genpkey -algorithm rsa" - Generate RSA Key

OpenSSL "genpkey" Command for RSA Keys

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2018-01-16, 4814🔥, 0💬