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OpenSSL "x509 -req" - Quick Way to Sign CSR
How to sign a CSR with OpenSSL "x509" command? I want a quick way to sign a CSR without setting the OpenSSL "ca" command.
Normally, you should set up OpenSSL "ca" command to sign a CSR. But if you want quick alternative, you can use the "x509" command to sign a CSR as shown in the test below:
C:\Users\fyicenter>\local\OpenSSL\openssl OpenSSL> req -in my_rsa.csr -subject -noout subject=/C=us/ST=NY/L=New York/O=Donald Inc./OU=IT/ OpenSSL> req -in my_rsa.csr -verify -noout verify OK OpenSSL> x509 -req -in my_rsa.csr -CA my_ca.crt -CAkey my_ca.key -out my_rsa.crt -set_serial 2000 Signature ok subject=/C=us/ST=NY/L=New York/O=Donald Inc./OU=IT/ Getting CA Private Key Enter pass phrase for my_ca.key:fyicenter OpenSSL> x509 -in my_rsa.crt -subject -noout subject= /C=us/ST=NY/L=New York/O=Donald Inc./OU=IT/ / OpenSSL> x509 -in my_rsa.crt -issuer -noout issuer= /C=US/ST=TX/L=City/ Root CA /
Notes about the test:
⇒ OpenSSL "x509 -req" - Error " No error"
2018-02-01, 2475🔥, 0💬
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