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Certificate Stores under "LocalMachine" in Windows PowerShell
What are certificate stores under the "LocalMachine" location in Windows PowerShell?
Certificate stores under the "LocalMachine" location hold certificates generic to all users and applications on the local machine to the current logged in user. You can see them using the "dir" command on the "Cert:\LocalMachine" directory:
PS C:\fyicenter> cd Cert: PS Cert:\> cd .\LocalMachine PS Cert:\LocalMachine> dir Name : TrustedPublisher Name : testCertStore Name : Remote Desktop Name : Root Name : McAfee Trust Name : Disallowed Name : TrustedDevices Name : CA Name : Windows Live ID Token Issuer Name : REQUEST Name : AuthRoot Name : StoreFile.str Name : TrustedPeople Name : ADDRESSBOOK Name : My Name : SmartCardRoot Name : Trust Name : publisher Name : SMS
⇒ Get List of Certificates in Windows PowerShell
⇐ Certificate Stores under "CurrentUser" in Windows PowerShell
2016-07-31, 8497🔥, 0💬
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