Certificate Assistant - Sign CSR with CA


How to sign a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) with a CA certificate using Certificate Assistant on Mac computer?

✍: FYIcenter.com


If you have self-sign certificate with private key attached in your Keychain Access, you can play the root CA role and use it sign a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) as shown in this tutorial.

1. Rename your CSR file with the ".certSigningRequest", like "somesite-com.certSigningRequest".

2. Double-click on the CSR file name. You the "Certificate Assistant" window.

3. Make sure that the "FYICenter Root CA" is Selectd as the "Issuing CA". And click "Continue". You see email window with a draft message with signed certificate attached and ready to be sent out.

Certificate Assistant - Sign CSR with CA
Certificate Assistant - Sign CSR with CA


Apple Mac Certificates Tutorials

Certificate Assistant - Create Root CA

Using Certificate Assistant on Mac

⇑⇑ Apple Mac Certificates Tutorials

2022-03-29, 834🔥, 0💬