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OpenSSL "x509 -pubkey" - Export Public Key"
How to export the public key out from a certificate using OpenSSL "x509" command?
You can export the public key out from a certificate using OpenSSL "x509 -pubkey"
command as shown below:
C:\Users\fyicenter>\local\OpenSSL\openssl OpenSSL> x509 -in twitter.crt -pubkey -noout > twitter_pub.key OpenSSL> exit C:\Users\fyicenter>type twitter_pub.key -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAwgiY+mcABVW2C2EOGte1 isHMA748F/uU99n6TJ9GYJxqrX065TRaErCyC6rsluFYgS+tYKtHk2njhHVTwfkP uUarnuqrGJiMaFQIUWVDGmGXJ1xeDxXpzRar3VFbdi/80xGZndKmPYcCdeYkluIE PhSc+n64cUI3ALWwiuIzlYvaP/tjTTdi1RwC6jB+3A1T1dQLuKMQE20fiZQLapRE ZymCrebVsFL8lVcG1tEiZoTTkioCx5RW31U/whPyfBZ4M6FT93eXXLeWBdVE9L/v gyJdeuaP5KzfNJ62DwpT8BrbcTdpkvYUqRx1ZXJFJAk7LGrXuWml3N9tnGv8xqJb MQIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
⇒ OpenSSL "x509 -pubout" - Export Public Key"
2016-10-17, 8367🔥, 0💬
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