OpenSSL "req -x509 -days" - Longer Self-Signed Certificate


Can I sign my own CSR with a longer expiration date using the OpenSSL "req -x509" command? I want to use this certificate as an internal root CA for 10 years.



Yes, you can sign you own CSR (Certificate Sign Request) with a longer expiration date using the OpenSSL "req -x509 -days" command as shown below. Without the "-days" option, the resulting certificate is only valid for 30 days. See the example below:


OpenSSL> req -x509 -in rsa_test.csr -key rsa_test.key -out rsa_test.crt 
   -days 3650
Enter pass phrase for rsa_test.key:fyicenter

OpenSSL> x509 -in rsa_test.crt -dates -noout
notBefore=Aug 21 13:26:41 2016 GMT
notAfter=Aug 19 13:26:41 2026 GMT


OpenSSL "req -x509 -set_serial" - Certificate Serial Number

OpenSSL "req -x509" - Sign My Own CSR

OpenSSL "req" Command

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2016-11-11, 4393🔥, 0💬