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View Web Site Server Certificate Path in Safari 5
How to see the signing chain of a server certificate in Safari 5? I want to know the root CA who signs the last certificate in the certificate path.
If you are visiting a Web site that uses a "https" address with Safari 5, you can view the server certificate path of the site to see who is the root CA that signs the last certificate in the certificate path as shown in this tutorial:
1. Run Safari 5 and visit Web site.
2. Open the server certificate by clicking the "Lock" icon at the end of the Web site address input box. You see the certificate screen showing up.
3. Click "Certificate Path" tab. You see the certificate path (signing chain) showing up.
VeriSign Symantec Class 3 Secure Server CA - G4
4. Click the root CA (the top name) in the Certificate path list: "VeriSign".
5. Click "View Certificate" button to see more information about the root CA (Certificate Authority).
2015-10-12, 2655🔥, 0💬
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