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Matter DAC Certificate - A41C6A368C82624640E500FB4EC4B4B7628217DD
Certificate Summary:
Subject: Matter DAC
Issuer: Matter Test PAI
Expiration: 9999-12-31 23:59:59 UTC
Key Identifier: A4:1C:6A:36:8C:82:62:46:40:E5:00:FB:4E:C4:B4:B7:62:82:17:DD
Received at on: 2021-11-04
Certificate Detailed Information:
Name: /CN=Matter DAC/ Subject: Common Name (CN): Matter DAC Organizational Unit Name (OU): Organization Name (O): Locality Name (L): State or Province Name (ST): Country Name (C): Email Address: Issuer: Common Name (CN): Matter Test PAI Organizational Unit Name (OU): Organization Name (O): Locality Name (L): State or Province Name (ST): Country Name (C): Email Address: Valid From: Thu, 04 Nov 2021 18:32:22 +0000 Valid To: Fri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59 +0000 Serial Number: 139721503874232488708394004528121807045 Hash: 37b26203 Version: 2 Signature Type: ecdsa-with-SHA256 Purposes: SSL client SSL server Netscape SSL server S/MIME signing S/MIME encryption CRL signing Any Purpose OCSP helper Time Stamp signing Extensions: keyUsage: Digital Signature basicConstraints: CA:FALSE authorityKeyIdentifier: keyid:84:F5:1D:FF:9E:CC:DA:29:35:94:48:52:0E:85:F1:29:2D:A3:ED:D7
Certificate in PEM Format:
Related Certificate(s):
ID Subject Issuer Key Identifier Relation Matter DAC Matter Test PAI A41C6A368C826... This Cert -------------------------------------------------- 12768 Matter DAC Matter Test PAI A41C6A368C826... Same Subject 12769 Matter DAC Matter Test PAI 30B8A6079F4D4... Same Subject
Public Key Detailed Information:
Key Details: Type: EC Size (bits): 256 Curve Name: prime256v1 Curve OID: 1.2.840.10045.3.1.7 Public key (x): ca73ce4641bf083b4a338da0431a0a32307f66d160574b66122f2506cf6ad370 Public key (y): e37f65d6347ae797a197265050976d34ac7b637b3bda0b5bd843ed8e5d5e9bf2
Public Key in PEM Format:
-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEynPORkG/CDtKM42gQxoKMjB/ZtFg V0tmEi8lBs9q03Djf2XWNHrnl6GXJlBQl200rHtjezvaC1vYQ+2OXV6b8g== -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
Identical or Similar Keys: We found that the public key in this certificate matches key(s) recorded previously.
ID Type Size Pri/Pub Key Identifier Date Comparison 12765 EC 256 Public A41C6A368C826... 2021-11-04 Same Key ID
2021-12-23, 1705👍, 0💬
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