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OpenSSL "ans1parse" - Configuration File for DH Public Key
Can I build a DH public key from an OpenSSL configuration file?
Yes, you can build a DH public key from an OpenSSL configuration file, if you know the components of the key, as shown in the test below:
C:\Users\fyicenter>type asn1_dh_pub_key.cnf asn1 = SEQUENCE:dh_pri_key [dh_pri_key] algorithm =SEQUENCE:dh_alg private =BITWRAP,INTEGER:0x4CC9C94CEB5B13F2B4B3ABB9F20CB830FFC3BB5DC6\ 428C08B18CF3E5301908AD [dh_alg] algorithm =OID:dhKeyAgreement parameter =SEQUENCE:dh_param [dh_param] prime =INTEGER:0x8B58E1395DF5CF48DA87B088C6525EFF4AECBDA5C269EF2378\ A31A4A62B1647B generator =INTEGER:0x02 C:\Users\fyicenter>\local\openssl\openssl asn1parse - genconf asn1_dh_pub_key.cnf -noout -out dh_pub_key.der C:\Users\fyicenter>\local\openssl\openssl pkey -pubin -in dh_pub_key.der -inform DER -text -noout DH Public-Key: (256 bit) public-key: 4c:c9:c9:4c:eb:5b:13:f2:b4:b3:ab:b9:f2:0c:b8: 30:ff:c3:bb:5d:c6:42:8c:08:b1:8c:f3:e5:30:19: 08:ad prime: 00:8b:58:e1:39:5d:f5:cf:48:da:87:b0:88:c6:52: 5e:ff:4a:ec:bd:a5:c2:69:ef:23:78:a3:1a:4a:62: b1:64:7b generator: 2 (0x2)
⇒ Other OpenSSL Versions for Windows
2016-09-26, 5941🔥, 0💬
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