Detailed Information of Website Certificate in Edge 93


How to view detailed information of a Website certificate in Microsoft Edge 93?



If you want to see more detailed information of a Website certificate in Microsoft Edge 93, you can follow these steps:

1. Run Microsoft Edge 93 and go to

2. Open the Website certificate as shown in the previous tutorial.

3. Click "Details" tab. You see a list of data fields in the certificate showing up.

4. Click "Subject" field. You see "CN =". This tells you that this certificate is intended to identify the "" domain name.

5. Click other fields to review their values.

Microsoft Edge 93 - Website Certificate Details Info
Microsoft Edge 93 - Website Certificate Details Info

Signing Path of Website Certificate in Edge 93

General Information of Website Certificate in Edge 93

Viewing Website Certificate in Microsoft Edge 93

⇑⇑ Microsoft Edge Certificates Tutorials

2021-11-30, 1057🔥, 0💬