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"keytool -certreq" Command Examples - Certificate Signing Request
How to use the "keytool -certreq" command? I have have created a new pair of public key and private key and want to send the public key to the certificate authority to sign it.
Here is an example of using "keytool -certreq" command to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for the public key stored in the default keystore file:
C:\Users\fyicenter> keytool -certreq -storepass FYIcenter -alias 2ndkey -file 2nd_cert_req.csr C:\Users\fyicenter>type 2nd_cert_req.csr -----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIICUTCCAg8CAQAwHDEaMBgGA1UEAxMRamFyLmZ5aWNlbnRlci5jb20wggG4MIIBLAYHKoZIzjgE ATCCAR8CgYEA/X9TgR11EilS30qcLuzk5/YRt1I870QAwx4/gLZRJmlFXUAiUftZPY1Y+r/F9bow 9subVWzXgTuAHTRv8mZgt2uZUKWkn5/oBHsQIsJPu6nX/rfGG/g7V+fGqKYVDwT7g/bTxR7DAjVU E1oWkTL2dfOuK2HXKu/yIgMZndFIAccCFQCXYFCPFSMLzLKSuYKi64QL8Fgc9QKBgQD34aCF1ps9 3su8q1w2uFe5eZSvu/o66oL5V0wLPQeCZ1FZV4661FlP5nEHEIGAtEkWcSPoTCgWE7fPCTKMyKbh PBZ6i1R8jSjgo64eK7OmdZFuo38L+iE1YvH7YnoBJDvMpPG+qFGQiaiD3+Fa5Z8GkotmXoB7VSVk AUw7/s9JKgOBhQACgYEAjAAB3mnwz68kJTcwYKRXzEZIuYdOtdfmtSg3oORQptx7fyxyn3DqIrOM UjwrvT0/c54Pz3yL7fDx1bgZYVgKtuynCoqG5+YkEObukeFB3xYgcP4XnWmFuTkQA/nZJu7HZTEt 20TzER2keDO5NmLBiyEp8UzsJcD6cmhYeM3aXCWgMDAuBgkqhkiG9w0BCQ4xITAfMB0GA1UdDgQW BBRyXNJ31NA6uTOwG+74LYSHMlgr2zALBgcqhkjOOAQDBQADLwAwLAIUM8ShUKS7vw9pRhvVvTGe kX8SpTgCFCabY3yhdzysTZORqqcJpKWLY1kk -----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
What the "keytool -certreq" command shown above did for you:
Note that the CSR file was saved in PEM format (Base64 encoded binary file).
⇒ Java "keytool -printcertreq" Command Options
⇐ Java "keytool -certreq" Command Options
2012-07-20, 12700🔥, 0💬
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